apithy Business

Take your training plans to the digital ecosystem, double the productivity and reduce your costs with the re-evolution of LMS platforms.

Contact us

Manage your company's talent and train your personnel with absolute autonomy, from anywhere!

Woman plays on a bean bag to develop new skills with point mechanics, videos, and leader-boards.

Captivate all audiences

Transform your traditional courses with the latest trends in micro, video and game-based learning to form high-impact teams through playful content with the best andragogical approach on the field.

Man is holding a giant paintbrush. Personalizes the platform with the
          brand image of his company from a cell phone.

Customize your platform

Let your brand shine with apithy Business! Print your logo and corporate image and create an unique experience in which you can configure personalized trophies or digital diplomas for each different course.

A woman navigates the LMS platform through a learning path to access hundreds of courses.

Trace 360 learning paths

Map your own organizational chart of roles to assign users, positions and areas, in a flexible and 100% configurable way, and build specific development paths according to your corporate training goals.

Man visualizes the performance and evaluation statistics of the company's students.

Empower real-time management

Get knowledge of the progress for each student, in real time, and streamline management based on accurate and timely statistics on persons, courses, programs or organizational areas for decision making.

Woman receives traces of information on the performance of collaborators
          with Tin Can Api, the evolution of SCORM.

Take advantage of the Tin Can API

Leave the SCORM standard behind and give the welcome to trace information content on Tin Can API, where you will receive detailed reports on user interactions with any specific content.

Our customers use
apithy Business to:

Fully mitigate staff

Quickly create digital

Streamline the
induction process

Certify hard and soft

Consolidate knowledge

A young man takes an online training course while having lunch with his colleagues
      in the office canteen.

With apithy Business, reduce training times by 70.2% and raise your team's results in performance evaluations of the main industries up to 93.7%.

Source: apithy Study Case applied to 300 people between 18 and 70 years old in the manufacturing sector.

What are the benefits of apithy Business?

100% responsive platform to enter from cell phones, tablets, desktop computers, laptops, or consoles.

100% responsive

Content editor to create your course, incorporated into the LMS / LXP platform.

Content editor

Interactive evaluations with questions of the multiple-choice type, True or False, and memory to qualify answers.

Assessment engine

Screen with puzzle games and images with the drag & click option to evaluate the learning of digital training.

Playful content

Tools for editing courses, evaluating competencies, measuring student progress, and tracking learning traces.

Exercise Toolkit

Computer screen with secure infrastructure and access locks to prevent hacks.

Secure infrastructure